About Us

“When somebody is destined for the path, all circumstances through all the deviations of mind and life help in one way or another to lead him to it. It is his own psychic being within him and the Divine Power above that use to that end the vicissitudes both of mind and outward circumstances.” – Sri Aurobindo
Our primary focus at AuroMedia is to bring to you the significant number of recordings of talks and interviews, films, conversations and photographs of sadhaks and disciples of the early days of Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, and their practice of yoga and aspiration to divinity. For those on the path of Integral You, these we believe would be of tremendous help.
Nolini Kanta Gupta, one of Sri Aurobindo’s foremost disciples had once said, “The story of each sadhak, of how he came to the Ashram is beautiful.” We have a rich repository of inspiring content chronicling the lives and intense spiritual journey of these sadhaks, which was often arduous but not without its rewards.
At AuroMedia our effort will also be to keep you updated with the projects we are engaged in be they videos or podcasts of our major events, apart from our films and other audiovisuals.
“When somebody is destined for the path, all circumstances through all the deviations of mind and life help in one way or another to lead him to it. It is his own psychic being within him and the Divine Power above that use to that end the vicissitudes both of mind and outward circumstances.” – Sri Aurobindo
Our primary focus at AuroMedia is to bring to you the significant number of recordings of talks and interviews, films, conversations and photographs of sadhaks and disciples of the early days of Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, and their practice of yoga and aspiration to divinity. For those on the path of Integral You, these we believe would be of tremendous help.
Nolini Kanta Gupta, one of Sri Aurobindo’s foremost disciples had once said, “The story of each sadhak, of how he came to the Ashram is beautiful.” We have a rich repository of inspiring content chronicling the lives and intense spiritual journey of these sadhaks, which was often arduous but not without its rewards.
At AuroMedia our effort will also be to keep you updated with the projects we are engaged in be they videos or podcasts of our major events, apart from our films and other audiovisuals.

Sri Aurobindo

Poet, revolutionary, philosopher, rishi and yogi, Sri Aurobindo was one of the leaders of the freedom movement, who strove for India’s complete independence. He came to Pondicherry in 1910 to pursue the Integral Yoga, which aims at a synthesis of Spirit and Matter, at Human Unity in a rich diversity and a total transformation of this earthly life into Divine life.
- Sri Aurobindo Society is named after Sri Aurobindo and draws its inspiration from his vision.

Sri Aurobindo
Poet, revolutionary, philosopher, rishi and yogi, Sri Aurobindo was one of the leaders of the freedom movement, who strove for India’s complete independence. He came to Pondicherry in 1910 to pursue the Integral Yoga, which aims at a synthesis of Spirit and Matter, at Human Unity in a rich diversity and a total transformation of this earthly life into Divine life.
- Sri Aurobindo Society is named after Sri Aurobindo and draws its inspiration from his vision.
Mirra Alfassa, known as the Mother, came from France and joined Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry in 1914. Together they laid the foundation and took up the task of building a new world, a new society that strives to express and embody the new consciousness, which Sri Aurobindo called the “Supramental”. It is a collective ideal that calls for a collective effort for its realization, in every field of human activity.


Mirra Alfassa, known as the Mother, came from France and joined Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry in 1914. Together they laid the foundation and took up the task of building a new world, a new society that strives to express and embody the new consciousness, which Sri Aurobindo called the “Supramental”. It is a collective ideal that calls for a collective effort for its realization, in every field of human activity.
Sri Aurobindo Society
Sri Aurobindo Society seeks to bring a dynamic spirituality into material life and all its activities, so that the global problems can find a true solution, and the dreams of humanity, through the ages, can be realized.
Sri Aurobindo Society was started by the Mother on 19th September 1960 and She remains its guiding force. From a very small beginning, over the years, the Society has grown into a global organization working in diverse fields of life.
The Mother herself laid the foundation of the Society, a strong base on which it could grow and spread like a Banyan tree. The Constitution and Memorandum of Association bear her signature as the President, dated 19 September 1960.
The Mother named the organization Sri Aurobindo Society after Sri Aurobindo. She created its symbol, taking the existing symbol of Sri Aurobindo and enclosing it in a diamond.

- Svarnim Puducherry
- Integral Education
- Rupantar Transforming Education
- Rural Development
- Sustainable Development
- Leadership and Management
- Palliative Care
- Integral Health
- Indian Culture | Sanskrit
- Media, Arts and Communication
- AuroYouth
- Integral Yoga
- A New Dawn | Animation Film
- Auro Model Prison (Earlier Puthiya Nambikkai)
- Auro Centre for Public Nutrition
- Arohan